Saturday, May 23, 2020
A Brief Note On Modern Standing Of Sustainability
2. Modern Standing Of Sustainability In the most countries the using of energy and emissions of CO2 are the biggest driver for the buildings. About 160 million building are in the EU are estimated for using more than 40% of the energy in Europe and push more than 40% of emissions carbon dioxide. The US Energy Information Administration pointed to the share of the energy and the emissions of the greenhouse gas (GHG) that connected with building it is bigger in US and the total emissions amount to 48%. In many developing countries, the emission from buildings and the percent of the total emission have increased constantly over the last 50 years. The increasing in the energy of the devices that are been used inside the buildings and the big†¦show more content†¦Lowering the energy and GHG effect in both the existing and the new buildings represents and therefore the main challenge and a chance to treat global warming. The companies of ICT has build and operate facilities which can be demand a big amounts of energy and material consumption in all stages of the life cycle. The increasing in the effective of the energy always main goal for the ICT companies and can start with facilities themselves. There are many plans that are adopted by worldwide which is can be lead to the more sustainable design, building and operation of buildings. 2.1 Definition of Sustainability The sustainability consists of three main basics like stool, each leg presents ecosystem, economy and society. If any leg is missing from the sustainability stool it will cause destabilization, because the society, the economy and the ecosystem are complex and connected to each other. (Young, 1997). This requires for meeting the four key objectives in the whole world at the same time (W.M. Adamsm2008(: 1. The social progress that admitted the needs for everyone. 2. The efficient protection to the environment. 3. The rational use to the natural resources. 4. The maintenance to the high and stable levels for the economic growth and the chance of employment. Sustainability appears that the critical activities of the institution of the higher education (at minimum) sound ecologically, socially and viable
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulemia Nervosa - 925 Words
The DSM-IV-TR states that there are two main types of eating disorders, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Anorexia and bulimia are extremely serious eating disorders. The word anorexia means loss of appetite, while boulima refers to bulimia and means â€Å"Hunger of an ox†. â€Å"Ninety percent of cases of eating disorders occur in adolescent females, this fluctuates from the ages of 14 through 18†. Eating disorders are associated with an altered body image, displeasure with body weight, and unhealthy patterns of food consumption (Valentina, Markovic, Srdanovic Mitrovic, 2010, 3). Anorexia is an eating disorder in which the individuals have lost more weight than what is considered healthy for their height and age. Their weight loss and food†¦show more content†¦They are mostly secretive about what they eat and often times do not eat in public. This is because bulimia doesn’t specifically mean they become too skinny, in reality bulimics tend to maintain a certain body weight throughout their disorder because they don’t eat for so long then eat excessively. They will often hide their food or give it away and go to the bathroom after most meals. There are also complications with eating disorders. These include â€Å"abnormalities in the lymbic system and high serotonin levels; they will also have difficulties in early feeding, family attitudes about a healthy body weight, family problems, alcoholic tendencies, and loss of self-confidence, sexual abuse, anxiety, and depression†(Ham). The reason that these individuals are vulnerable to these factors are because when having a self-esteem disorder and self-confidence disorder they often become susceptible to putting themselves in situations that make themselves feel better about the way that they look. Negative associations that occur in bulimics include; having scares on their hands or knuckles from inducing their own vomit, they have discolored teeth and bad breath from the constant vomiting, nose bleeds, sore throats and commonly the lack of a period in women (Hall Cohn, 2010). There are many complications including weight gain, abdominal pain, bloating, swelling of the hands and feet, hoarseness in the voice, broken blood vessels in the eyes, swollen cheeks and salivary glands,Show MoreRelatedAnorexia and Bulemia Nervosa: The New Epidemic919 Words  | 4 Pagesanorexic models to portray that a perfect physical appearance entails an achievement. There have been cases, where some modistes specify that their clothes designs are just for slim people. The two most common eating disorders are Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa. Anorexia Nervosa is an eating and psychological disorder. This condition goes beyond weight control; the patient starts a diet to lose weight until it becomes a symbol of power and control. Thus, the individual comes to the brink of starvationRead MorePsychological Disorders1952 Words  | 8 Pagesback then. I spoke today in my interview about the different disorders I am knowledgeable in but was asked to elaborate more on Schizophrenia and two other case studies. I am going to provide as much information as I can on the eating disorder Anorexia Nervosa and on the drug abuse case of Alcoholism. Analyzing Psychological Disorders Page 2 I will admit that I am fascinated with schizophrenia. The human brain is such a mystery with new things being discovered every day and oneRead MorePsy 244 Essay10464 Words  | 42 Pagesfood choices and eating behavior 17. What are the disorders of anorexia nervosa and bulemia? Who is most likely to be affected, girls or boys? What are some of the known health consequences? -anorexia nervosa: can arrest pubescence or, in sexually mature women, can cause amenorrhea (immediate cause is grossly inadequate diet, which furthers psychological problems, vicious circle) females: 85-90% males:10-15% Bulimia nervosa: an eating disorder in which the person- typically a young woman in
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Best Mom Free Essays
Best mom essay Hello my name is Cassandra and I Will Be talking about my mom and why she should become one of the best moms in San Diego. I believe that my mom has done many things to receive this kind of award and I think that she is one of the greatest moms. There are many reasons that I say why she should become on of the best moms in SanDiego. We will write a custom essay sample on Best Mom or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some of the reasons that she should become one of the greatest moms in San Diego are because she has volunteered at my school and she has sacrificed many things for me and my siblings and she is also a good role model. These are only some traits if my mom and in the rest of this essay I will be elaborating on these 3 traits of my mother. My mom should be one of the greatest moms in San Diego because she did volunteer at our school and help out. My school has a mandatory of 15 hours that the parents of a student have to volunteer at the school in a year. My mom has volunteered at the school for not only 15 hours. She was done with her volunteer hours around the 3rd moth of school and yet she still volunteers even though it isn’t mandatory after that. At a school program called Acess we do a lot of community services like helping g in beach clean up, doing volunteer at the Ronald MacDonald house and helping kids with autism. Over all we have done more that 20 community services within my years there and my mom has volunteered in almost all of them and helped manage the kids. That is one of the reasons that I believe that my mom should be one of the greatest moms in San Diego. The second reason that my mom should be nominated as one of the greatest is because she has taught me many lessons and many things that will help me in life. Some of the things that my mom has taught me are Responsibility, Organization, respect, Honor, and honesty. All these things are lessons that will help me in school middle school, high school, college, and even after I get out of school just in life. I believe that because I learned many things from my mother that she should be named one of the greatest moms in San Diego. Another reason that I think my mom should be named best mom would be because she is a great role model. My mother is a very good role model to me and my siblings. My mother is a person who puts all her effort to raising us good and she is a hard worker and that motivates us to do a good job and work hard in school and that is one reason I think my mom is a great mother. In conclusion I believe that my mom is a great mother and she should be named one of the greatest moms in San Diego. t as told above the reason I think this is because she volunteers at our school even after finishing the mandatory hours and she has taught me some of the important lesson that help me in the future and she is a great role model. How to cite Best Mom, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Business Research Method Research Proposal Financial Performances
Question: Discuss about theBusiness Research Method Research Proposalfor Financial Performances. Answer: Introduction: Financial performances of a business entity play a crucial role in handling all the internal activities (Edirisooriyaa 2014). In this research study, the focus will be on the evaluation of the kind of impact financial performances of an organization can have on the satisfaction level of the employees. For that reason, the study will consider Bank of Queensland Limited to highlight the significance of maintaining financial standards to encourage employees to give their best at the workplace. Bank of Queensland has focused on evaluating different strategies to improve its financial condition at different level. Bank of Queensland was established in 1874 with the objective of providing retail-banking services to the Australian people. Recent performance assessment as highlighted the fact that financial earnings of Bank of Queensland has dropped by 3%, which has affected internal management of the operational process ( 2017). For instance, Bank of Queensland has facing problem of providing proper benefit level to all the employees. It would create direct impact on the motivational level of the employees towards performing their provided responsibilities. As a result, it would direct adverse impact on the performance level of the employees. The study will focus on highlighting the significance of maintaining financial performances for encouraging employees to perform at their optimum level. Literature Review: Impact of Reward and remuneration on employee performances: As highlighted by Shields et al. (2015) reward and remuneration has greater impact in maintaining the mental setup of the employees. For that reason, several organizations have focused on developing clear and effective remuneration and reward system for fulfilling the business objectives in an appropriate way. It has been assessed that employee with higher level of remuneration has tried to provide superior impact on the performance level. Moreover, Anitha (2014) have highlighted the fact that employee performance heavily depends on the satisfaction and motivational level of the employees. Therefore, it is necessary for all the business entities to focus on maintaining the positive work culture in an appropriate manner. However, it is necessary for the management of business entities to evaluate the performance level of all the employees at the time of deciding the remuneration package. Otherwise, it might create negative impact on the performance level of the employees (Dobre 2013). On the other hand, higher pay structure or remuneration package increases the cost associated with the operational process. Therefore, in order to maintain the higher remuneration for all the employees, organizations need to be on the financially strong position. Otherwise, it might not able to achieve sustainable expansion in the market. Other variables associated with financial condition that can have impact on employee performances: As opined by AbuKhalifeh and Som (2013) financial condition of business entities play a major role in fulfilling the entire requirements of the operational process. Strong financial condition allows organizations to include proper amount of resources for fulfilling the business activities. Conversely, financially weak position induces organizations to focus on completing all the requirements with the limited resources. As a result, it increases the amount of pressure that employees will have to face in performing their provided responsibilities. It directly affected the work life balance of the employees. Thus, it eventually creates negative impact on the satisfaction and motivational level of the employees, which also create negative impact on the overall performance level. As highlighted by Boeri, Lucifora and Murphy (2013) financially strong condition provides assurance to the employees regarding the career enhancement process. Therefore, it induces employees to remain associated with the business entities for a long period of time. Otherwise, organizations will have to deal with high employee turnover issue, which eventually affect the overall performance level. For that reason, it is necessary for the organizations to maintain financial condition at the desired level to motivate the employees to perform beyond their capabilities. Research Questions: The study would consider following questions: What is the satisfaction level of the employees working in the Australian banking sector regarding their remuneration? What are the prime challenges that Bank of Queensland is facing in order to satisfy its employees? What is impact of present remuneration package initiated by Bank of Queensland in maintaining employee performances? What is the best possible way for Bank of Queensland to improve present financial performances? Research Methodology: According to Mackey and Gass (2015) outcome of any study depends on the selected methodology, as it allows the study to move forward towards a particular direction. Now, in order to use methodology effectively, the study needs to cover research philosophy, approach and design perspectives. Now, in order to understand the impact of financial condition of Bank of Queensland on the employee performances, the study would consider positivism research philosophy. It would allow constructing hypothesis based on the present financial condition of Bank of Queensland. Therefore, it would eventually help to include appropriate information related to the research topic (Silverman 2016). On the other hand, the research would not focus on other philosophies due to time limitation. In addition, the research would focus on deductive approach, as it can help to include different previous studies and concepts appropriately. Thus, it would help to include information regarding the significance of finan cial condition on the employee performances. Moreover, it would help to test the formulated hypothesis in an effective way (Flick 2015). Conversely, the research study would not focus on the inductive research approach, as the topic does not require any introduction of new concepts or theories. For understanding the importance of the financial condition of Bank of Queensland on employee performances, the study would choose descriptive research design. As per the article by Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault (2015) descriptive research design can help the study to include appropriate design in a major way. It also would help to identify the factors that can have major impact on the performance level of the employees. Therefore, it can help Bank of Queensland to focus on the development of effective decision-making process for enhancing the performance level of the employees in an effective manner. Project Plan: Referred to appendix section Research Process: According to Panneerselvam (2014), research process represents the systematic completion of all the required activities. The first step would focus on establishment of clear aim and objectives to direct the study towards a particular direction. Therefore, it would focus on proper evaluation of the background of the study. The second step would focus on developing literature review section based on the impact of financial condition on the employee performances. In this step, the study will include several previous literatures regarding the employee performance perspectives to add value to the research study. The third step of the study would consider proper utilization of research methodology perspective to ensure that all the objectives can be fulfilled in an efficient manner. Fourth step of the study would focus on the selection of data collection and analysis technique so that it can able to depict the actual situation efficiently. The step also focuses on identifying best possible tools for analyzing the collected data in an effective manner. Fifth step focuses on the proper conclusion of the study where all the requirements are meet at the optimum level. It would also focuses on identification of proper recommended strategies for enhancing the performance level of the employees. Data Collection and Analysis Method: According to Flick (2015), data collection process help the study to include in-depth information about the research topic. In order to understand the impact of financial condition of Bank of Queensland on employee performances, the study would consider primary data collection technique. Here, the study would only focuses on the quantitative data collection approach to understand the trend in an effective manner. Moreover, it would also help to include different perspective of the respondents in an efficient manner. For that reason, the study would include online survey strategy to collect appropriate information about the research topic. In order to estimate the impact of financial condition of Bank of Queensland on the employee performances, the study would focus on using non-probability sampling technique. Here, the study would choose 100 employees working in Bank of Queensland to assess the exact amount of impact that financial condition of the organization can have on the perfor mance level of the employees. In addition, the study would also consider statistical techniques like mean, median, mode, correlation and regression for analyzing the captured information appropriately. Expected Research Outcomes: The discussion has highlighted the fact that the research study will include all possible factors associated with the financial condition of Bank of Queensland that can have impact on the performance level of the employees. Therefore, it is expected that the study will provide best possible way to maintain the bonding strong between the employee performance and financial condition. Moreover, it is expected that the study will also provide an idea regarding the kind of impact that decreasing financial growth of Bank of Queensland will have on the employee performances. It is also expected that the study will provide effective recommendation for keeping the performance level of the employees at the desired level. References: AbuKhalifeh, A.A.N. and Som, A.P.M., 2013. The antecedents affecting employee engagement and organizational performance.Asian Social Science,9(7), p.41. Anitha, J., 2014. Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance.International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Boeri, T., Lucifora, C. and Murphy, K.J., 2013.Executive remuneration and employee performance-related pay: a transatlantic perspective. Oxford University Press., 2017. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2017]. Dobre, O.I., 2013. Employee motivation and organizational performance.Journal of Management and Socio-Economic, (1). Edirisooriyaa, W.A., 2014, February. Impact of Rewards on Employee Performance: With Special Reference to ElectriCo. InProceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Management and Economics(Vol. 26, p. 27). Flick, U., 2015.Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. Sage. Mackey, A. and Gass, S.M., 2015.Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge. Panneerselvam, R., 2014.Research methodology. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.. Shields, J., Brown, M., Kaine, S., Dolle-Samuel, C., North-Samardzic, A., McLean, P., Johns, R., Robinson, J., O'Leary, P. and Plimmer, G., 2015.Managing Employee Performance Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies. Cambridge University Press. Silverman, D. ed., 2016.Qualitative research. Sage. Taylor, S.J., Bogdan, R. and DeVault, M., 2015.Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley Sons.
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