Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Compare the Ways the British and French Ruled Their Respective Essay
Think about the Ways the British and French Ruled Their Respective Mandates. What Are Some of Their Legacies in the Region Today - Essay Example The British and French principle in the Middle East An investigate history demonstrates that before the first World War, Britain and France were matches in nature and were stressed over the expanding impact of one another in the Arab and African locale (Brainard, 2004). While the British built up a north-south hub of intensity, to adjust the condition, the French built up a firm east-west pivot of intensity. Be that as it may, as them two understood the advantages of supporting shared interests, they met up by the start of the twentieth century through helping Suez Canal development by Egypt, the Sykes-Picot understanding and the collusion in the First World War. The period from that point saw an extensive change in the procedure received by both. They chose to isolate the Middle East into an enormous number of nations. This helped them balance the force without struggle, and furthermore, it guaranteed that they could proceed with their abuse without significant measure of restrictio n from the regions. Likenesses and dissimilarities between he French and British principle in the Middle East Evidently, both the British and the French attempted to run their own areas through set up elites, however the British appeared to be all the more ready to push their orders forward and towards a superior qualified type of freedom, and the main special case in this association is Palestine (‘Iraq: Initial contacts with the British’). In Palestine, without precedent for British history, it needed to end its standard without setting up an administration behind it. As it were, one can say that the British just needed protectorates and commands like Egypt and Palestine as allowed by the League of Nations. In this way, the British permitted the regions under its standard to have their own local political approaches however the British proceeded with their army installations and controlled their international strategies. This is apparent on account of Egypt and Iraq. For instance, however the British got support from the Arabs in its crusade against the Ottomans beginning in Basra, the British before long understood the way that the Arabs would not bolster them in the long haul. In spite of the fact that 1919 saw the British getting the obligation to manage the zone from the League of Nations, soon they discovered across the board agitation and disobedience, and they understood the way that the best way to manage the circumstance was to make a manikin government, and the casualty chose for the reason for existing was Hashemite ruler Faysal as it was imagined that being a relative from Prophet Muhammed, he would be acknowledged by all groups. What's more, as he was not from Iraq, it was imagined that he would not feel sufficiently sure to govern without the assistance of the British. The system worked out and there were various arrangements guaranteeing appropriate progression of oil and all out control of the systems issues. Right around a compa rable picture one can find on account of Egypt as well. In spite of the fact that the British permitted rulers to lead Egypt, the period after the development of Suez Canal (1859-69) saw the British ousting Ismail, and it was trailed by boundless hatred against the remote mastery. In this way, the British needed to catch the control Egypt once more, and hence made a protectorate. Later on,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Purposely vs. Purposefully
Deliberately versus Intentionally Deliberately versus Intentionally Deliberately versus Intentionally By Mark Nichol What’s the distinction among intentionally and deliberately? The implications are comparable, both alluding to expectation, however they have unmistakable meanings. Deliberately implies â€Å"deliberately,†as in, â€Å"I intentionally broke the jar Aunt Hermione gave me in light of the fact that it’s terrible, and now I don’t need to utilize it.†Purposefully, paradoxically, implies â€Å"with assurance, aim, or meaning,†as in â€Å"She deliberately sought after the answer for the riddle, dealing with it through the night.†Both words are verb-modifying types of direction, at last got from the Latin expression proponere, which means â€Å"to propose†; reason can be a thing, as in â€Å"He doesn’t feel that he has a reason in life,†or, once in a while, an action word, as in â€Å"He purposed to finish the venture yet left it unfinished.†Descriptive types of direction are intentional, which means â€Å"filling an arrangement or a purpose,†as in â€Å"He has a deliberate, straightforward air about him,†and its antonym purposeless, an equivalent of erratic or good for nothing, as in â€Å"She had up to that point lived what appeared to be a purposeless existence.†Another modifier coming from reason for existing is the uncommon word purposive, which means â€Å"useful yet not structured not planned,†, for example, on account of oblivious motions or outward appearances. Different modifiers dependent intentionally are the hyphenated phrases reason manufactured and reason made, which both mean â€Å"designed and worked for a particular purpose,†just as the clear as crystal universally handy, double reason, broadly useful, and multipurpose. Figures of speech that incorporate object are the word intensifying expressions â€Å"for all down to earth purposes,†meaning â€Å"essentially,†as in â€Å"For every single viable reason, the arrangement has been dismissed, and â€Å"on purpose,†meaning â€Å"deliberately,†as in â€Å"They did that deliberately to disturb us.†Two related terms are opportune, from the French articulation propos, which means â€Å"to the purpose†and interchangeable with â€Å"as regards†or â€Å"to the point,†filling in as an approach to progress between two interrelated subjects, and â€Å"ad hoc,†an expression obtained from Latin that implies â€Å"for this (purpose)†and alludes, for instance, to a board of trustees shaped for a solitary, transient reason. Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Misused Words classification, check our famous posts, or pick a related post below:7 Classes and Types of PhrasesConfused With and Befuddled AboutDouble Possessive
Friday, August 7, 2020
Tyba INTRODUCTIONMartin: Today we are in Madrid at Tyba. Eiso, who are you and what do you do?Eiso: Hi. My name is Eiso Kant and Im the Managing Director here at Tyba. And my day-to-day responsibilities vary, but our main goal is to fix junior recruitment here. Thats what the whole company works towards.Martin: What did you do before you started this company?Eiso: So before I started this company, we actually started it while studying together with 3 co-founders, myself from the Netherlands, Jorge is half Spanish half German, and Philip from Germany. And so, we actually started this while studying but however before studying, I was personally involved in several other startup projects.Martin: Okay. Can you tell us a little bit about your entrepreneurial journey?Eiso: So my entrepreneurial journey started relatively early. When I was 14, I was in an international school in the Netherlands and we were given this project for about 5 months, where youre allowed to do pretty much whateve r you wanted, as long as you did a write up on it.We had a family friend who is shutting down a store, which had over 15,000 pieces of classic prints, art. In 1920th century lithographies. And I was always a bit of a pure geek and I said, can I settle these things for you online. So its such a shame that the store was going offline.Well, offline offline. And then, I started learning a bit how to program, learn a bit how to design, use Photoshop and about 5 months later after taking pictures of all of these 15,000 friends, launching it all in store. I learned a big lesson, is that build it and they will come does not apply on the online.But that actually worked out, and several months later, the whole inventory was sold. And that was my first experience in, I didnt even know the word startup back then, but into having a little internet company. And since then Ive been involved in different projects.Later on, I expanded a little bit, working as a freelancer, primarily as a programme r but also as a design freelancer. No one here really knows it, I think. Designs werent too good.And moving forward into that, I worked a lot in the online publishing sphere. So actually, having it one moment network with over 1,000 sites that had writers working for it and continuously publishing content and making money in the old days of Google AdSense. Its not that lucrative anymore, but it used to be.That moved into several other projects. A project which was put around the company working for retails here in Germany, where we published a lot of the medical content online and later on after finishing my high school, a startup called Twollars, where we raised money for charities through Twitter. We were the first company to do so and we worked with many big brands and we had a lot of exposure at that time, it was a great experience. And I found myself in between Europe and San Francisco.Martin: Cool.TYBA BUSINESS MODELMartin: Lets talk about Tybas business model. Can you briefl y explain what you exactly do?Eiso: So, Tyba exists to make it easy for companies to hire the right junior talent, so interns, but also people up to 4 -5 years of work experience. And at the same time, we exist to make it much easier for that talent to find the opportunity, the job, and the place that they love to be at. So our mission is to fix the junior recruitment.In terms of business model and how that works, were completely free for the talent side and we actually will always be. From the company side, at the moment they choose, to actually want to interview candidates and then also hire them, thats where we charged them.Today we have a very strong focus on what we internally call sexy fast growing companies, so startups are a very big part of that. And were growing now across Europe and have been at most major hubs in Europe already, where we actually go and visit all of these companies and profile them on a new platform thats launching actually next month.Martin: And how do you improve this matching between the people looking for a job and the sexy fast growing startups?Eiso: So one of the things that we do here is that, were very much a technology company. Cant see it, but behind us is a large engineering team.Martin: Yes, thats right.Eiso: And we have a very regular selection process of how we hire. And what we look at why were such a technology oriented company is that, we believe in the data that young people give us. Information if you allow in my platform, place theyve studied, interests, books theyve read, museums theyve visited, lot’s and lots of what we internally call data points. At the same time we learn from the companies, a very structured data about who theyre looking for. Just essentially taking a job requirement and turning that into a more structured information.What we then do is, we have different algorithms, we have what we internally call a recommendation engine, which is similar to how today when you rate a movie on IM Db or youre looking at Flix for suggestion movies. That technology is called recommendation engines, we apply that to matching. And at the same time, we do matching on what we internally call a semantic level. So one of the things, youre a young person, you graduated from, did you study business?Martin: Yes.Eiso: So you study business. And one of the things you might know that theres about 50 different ways to name a business degree. Business Administration, International Business, Management, and it goes on and on. So they are all synonyms. At the same time those things that are related to business, which essentially International Marketing, Sales, all of these things. So we do is, we take all those terms and we internally call a mapping.One of the things is that what we can do is, we have a recommendation engine that works across hundreds and hundreds of different areas to do the matching. But we also have all this very structured data that allows us to know when a young person te lls us what they studied or what their interested in, or where they worked, we know much more about it.So theres a lot of technical things, among them is too much details, this is essentially the high level overview of how we do our matching. And we continuously working on improving that.Martin: How do you acquire the individuals using your platform?Eiso: So the biggest growth is word of mouth. At the end of the day, if you think about it, you get someone a job. I mean, theyre going to tell their friends. And thats essentially the fundamental part of our business. There are obviously other channels from the entering to new markets, sometimes its paid acquisition. At the same time we have a fantastic network of student ambassadors across Europe. There are currently 120 and they cover means the top schools spread all over Europe from the Copenhagen Business School to Munich, to Berlin, everywhere, I mean in Spain as well.And then theres the fourth channel, is that we have partnersh ips with universities. So today actually we have partnerships with schools such as LSE, Kings College, I can spell many more fancy names. Essentially what that means is that, when we have interesting opportunities that match what we know that students are interested in, they publicize it towards their talent.Martin: For free?Eiso: For free. And we have this, I mean with growing partnerships in many countries right now. In the moment many partnerships are being closed in Germany.Martin: Okay. Interesting. Is there some kind of a built-in virality in your product as well?Eiso: So this concept of viral loops and growth hacking, you know, you sent free invites to your cousins and what not and. Weve played a lot around with that. And we had some initial traction actually around doing that. But we realized that fundamentally, it wasnt serving our mission. So what we actually said is, guys, when we do our job right, when we get people into jobs, we see that theres growth. When we see that we can give people real opportunities and do better than the status quo, which today are shitty job sites. And so we actually dont focus that much anymore, especially in the new platform thats launching on send invites to here, especially many of these sites who try to trick people into doing it.Virality works in my opinion, how we look at it, when theres something inherently viral to your product. A chat system like WhatsApp, where you know you can not exist without writing with other people has some inherent virality. Tagging people in pictures because you want to notify other people about these things. But still finding your job is quite a personal thing. And so, there might be some things that wed figure out in the future, but we havent yet today.Martin: Okay. Interesting.CORPORATE STRATEGYMartin: Regarding the corporate strategy of you, what do you think are the most important drivers in order to become a very successful company?Eiso: So corporate strategy, its a totally over used word and its quite a fancy word as well. We look at essentially 3 different things.We look at:whats the next 18 months for us,whats the next 3 years, andwhere do we want to be in 5 years. And when we get to 5 years, its not strategy, its vision. Our vision is to be the number player globally in junior recruitment.So this is where we want to get to.How we look at kind of the short and medium term, in terms of strategy, is that its driven by a few things.Its driven by the basic metric of getting people placed into jobs.At the same time, our strategy heavily focused on deciding where to go geographically and where to go in what verticals.So, geographic expansion for us is when we want to own a continent, essentially, or part of the continent. So right now, between now and the end of the year, were heavily expanding in Europe, weve been at most European cities, yet I think were still missing Paris, which is happening in a few weeks. By the time this is published, we’ll be there as well. At the same time we are starting in South East Asia. We have already been placing some people in jobs, those not our main market focus, in Mexico and Colombia.So were seeing, for us the opportunity is global. Everywhere you go to, companies are hiring young people. There are some cultural differences, and we can talk a little more about this in a bit. But overall, fundamentally, people graduating, people wanting to leave jobs, and going into new ones, happen everywhere.And yes, there is an economic cycle, some countries that are booming and hence its faster to grow. However even here in Spain today, we see that companies struggle to hire young people. And this country has 50% youth unemployment. So its not so much the fact that talent availability, its often a problem of matching, of actually search.So can a company actually reach the young people that it looking for? Of course Google can reach anyone its looking for. But if youre a startup with 50 people and actua lly no one really knows who you are, its not as easy sometimes to actually go get the talent on board.So its a 2-sided problem. Its a problem of being able to actually reach the talent and after you reached them, to actually do the matching part. And we focus on both areas.MARKET DEVELOPMENTMartin: Eiso, you have made a very good bridge to market development. I would like to understand how the market for recruiting differs in between the European countries and how the development over the last years has been happening?Eiso: So, there are a few things thats interesting to note.And the first thing is, the trends on the talent side. So one of the things where and maybe you remember this from when youre graduating is that, everyone maybe youre a bit too young, wanted to go into consulting and investment banking. And thats essentially, you know, any graduates in class 6 7 years ago, you know, a Bachelor in Business from any of the schools or Masters or MBAs, its investment banking consu lting. Im talking about business talent now, which is essentially social science is the big growth of all graduating talent in Europe, with engineering and sciences being next.Today thats starting to differ and Germany is a very good example, Berlin is a very good example of this as well, for the good and for the bad. That all of the sudden, theres 3 options for business student graduate. And not just for business students by the way, its for engineering and other sciences as well, is that its no longer just about the traditional corporate brands, the Goldman Sachs, the PWC, Accenture, the Lloyd, all of the names that we can round off. But startups have become a real possibility. And people are excited about them. And this is a trend we see in Europe, its a trend we see in the US, its a trend that has not yet to happening in Asia or South America or the Middle East.And in Europe and the US, its fundamentally built on 2 things. Its built on the fact that were a generation thats been told to be happy. And its a generation thats starting to realize that when theyre talking to their friends or people a little bit older about what is it like to work at Goldman Sachs, what is it like to work at Booz company, I was for a little while at Booz company. Well guys, I never leave the Oxford at 2 am, I never have weekends, I shouted out a lot I mean it goes on and on and on and on. So people have become a little bit more spoiled in a good way and sometimes in a bit between the 2 extremes. And so, and this build up on everything that weve seen from the Steve Jobs speech given at Stanford, thats had a big impact on this generation, to Mark Zuckerberg coming and being a role model and theres a lot of things that you can add on to this to say why we get to this point. And the fact there are many children today from divorced homes.So this word happiness and wanting to be happy not just in your life but also in your career, matters to them. And startups are great outlet for that, because they allow people to focus on the things they care about most in their first years of their job. And its not money. It was money if maybe 2 decades ago, its still money today in several more developing economies.But actually purpose, masteries to being able to get better and like learning in your skill, all of these things, the team that we get to work with are much more important factors today for young people to decide where they want to work and the exact dollar youre amounting on their paycheck. So this is a little bit about the trend on the talent side.On the company side, were seeing several trends as well. Corporate companies are starting to realize, that these things are happening. And theyre trying to adapt. Not all of them yet, and many arent yet but were seeing more and more great companies starting to realize that talent today is not there to stay for the next 20 years. And they are starting accept it and sometime being okay with it. Iv e seen the examples, Im not going to name the exact companies, but its the big large multinational companies that say, We want you to be here one or 2 years and then we want you to leave our company. We want you to work abroad in another company and we love to have you back 3 years later. Or we want and go develop you, we want to actually Because they realize they can’t no longer retain someone for 20 years in the same company, because thats not the reality of us anymore.And this is one major trend that we starting to see happen. At the same time, we see a bigger growing volume of startups happening in Europe, and the US and hence being an actual labor market. There is a significant volume today that can actually be considered a real labor market. Theres some EU report that just came out trying to estimate the size and you know millions of jobs being created through some of these new companies. So this is another thing where we see that, you know, startups take, theres a new com pany thats being founded doesnt have legacy, so they take a look around and say what are the best practices in recruiting, in HR, in managing people, in policy, all of these things and theyre implementing those. So it means that a lot of the legacy staff of existing corporate companies, the strictness about hours or about a holiday policy or things like this, it is starting to changing at startups because theyre their taking and this doesnt work in the past, this is whats applicable to todays youth.And then what we see, the funny thing is that the big companies then copy from the startups again and thats quite an interesting side.Martin: Okay. In terms of the difference between the recruiting markets, between for example in Europe between Germany and around. Can you tell us about that?Eiso: So there are a few things that we see. Obviously there are companies in Europe that are doing better than others. So we have to start an economy that are, Spain actually starting to kick up and strengthen quite a bit now at the moment. Weve been through to peak of the recession here now since about last month. Its in the US and other places.But there is still high youth unemployment, in Spain, Italy, Greece, Ireland as well. And we see that there are talent flows happening from these countries to Northern European countries where there are huge demands for especially engineering talent. This is usually only limited by language. So in countries where English or German in our case, is not as well taught, or not as well spread, we see some of the barriers of those flows. But the willingness of the talent is huge. People are starting to move more inside Europe because they have to.So some of them are very interesting. We do see that theres many countries that people return to after a few years, it’s pretty hard to live in Spain and to go to Germany and be under grey sky most of the year and then actually decided for 2 3 years you want to stay for the rest of your life.So we do actually in reality see that these things bring people back to their countries. So some of them maybe will say yes theres a lot of outflow, and theres people coming. Actually, theres as much as people coming back at a time period as theyre leaving. And it might not become purely reflected in the immigration, immigration numbers yet. But we see this already happening and well see that as the economy strengthens in the Southern countries again, we expect a lot of young people to return to their homes.Martin: Okay.ADVICE TO ENTREPRENEURS FROM EISO KANT In Madrid, we met the Co-founder and Managing Director of Tyba Eiso Kant. Tyba is an online platform that gives businesses access to its junior talent database using cloud-based recruiting tools.Eiso told us about the business model of Tyba, about their corporate strategy, the development of the recruiting market, as well as his advices for other entrepreneurs.The transcript of the interview is provided below.INTRODUCTIONMartin: Today we are in Madrid at Tyba. Eiso, who are you and what do you do?Eiso: Hi. My name is Eiso Kant and Im the Managing Director here at Tyba. And my day-to-day responsibilities vary, but our main goal is to fix junior recruitment here. Thats what the whole company works towards.Martin: What did you do before you started this company?Eiso: So before I started this company, we actually started it while studying together with 3 co-founders, myself from the Netherlands, Jorge is half Spanish half German, and Philip from Germany. And so, we actually starte d this while studying but however before studying, I was personally involved in several other startup projects.Martin: Okay. Can you tell us a little bit about your entrepreneurial journey?Eiso: So my entrepreneurial journey started relatively early. When I was 14, I was in an international school in the Netherlands and we were given this project for about 5 months, where youre allowed to do pretty much whatever you wanted, as long as you did a write up on it.We had a family friend who is shutting down a store, which had over 15,000 pieces of classic prints, art. In 1920th century lithographies. And I was always a bit of a pure geek and I said, can I settle these things for you online. So its such a shame that the store was going offline.Well, offline offline. And then, I started learning a bit how to program, learn a bit how to design, use Photoshop and about 5 months later after taking pictures of all of these 15,000 friends, launching it all in store. I learned a big lesson, is t hat build it and they will come does not apply on the online.But that actually worked out, and several months later, the whole inventory was sold. And that was my first experience in, I didnt even know the word startup back then, but into having a little internet company. And since then Ive been involved in different projects.Later on, I expanded a little bit, working as a freelancer, primarily as a programmer but also as a design freelancer. No one here really knows it, I think. Designs werent too good.And moving forward into that, I worked a lot in the online publishing sphere. So actually, having it one moment network with over 1,000 sites that had writers working for it and continuously publishing content and making money in the old days of Google AdSense. Its not that lucrative anymore, but it used to be.That moved into several other projects. A project which was put around the company working for retails here in Germany, where we published a lot of the medical content online and later on after finishing my high school, a startup called Twollars, where we raised money for charities through Twitter. We were the first company to do so and we worked with many big brands and we had a lot of exposure at that time, it was a great experience. And I found myself in between Europe and San Francisco.Martin: Cool.TYBA BUSINESS MODELMartin: Lets talk about Tybas business model. Can you briefly explain what you exactly do?Eiso: So, Tyba exists to make it easy for companies to hire the right junior talent, so interns, but also people up to 4 -5 years of work experience. And at the same time, we exist to make it much easier for that talent to find the opportunity, the job, and the place that they love to be at. So our mission is to fix the junior recruitment.In terms of business model and how that works, were completely free for the talent side and we actually will always be. From the company side, at the moment they choose, to actually want to interview candidates and then also hire them, thats where we charged them.Today we have a very strong focus on what we internally call sexy fast growing companies, so startups are a very big part of that. And were growing now across Europe and have been at most major hubs in Europe already, where we actually go and visit all of these companies and profile them on a new platform thats launching actually next month.Martin: And how do you improve this matching between the people looking for a job and the sexy fast growing startups?Eiso: So one of the things that we do here is that, were very much a technology company. Cant see it, but behind us is a large engineering team.Martin: Yes, thats right.Eiso: And we have a very regular selection process of how we hire. And what we look at why were such a technology oriented company is that, we believe in the data that young people give us. Information if you allow in my platform, place theyve studied, interests, books theyve read, museums theyve visited, lo t’s and lots of what we internally call data points. At the same time we learn from the companies, a very structured data about who theyre looking for. Just essentially taking a job requirement and turning that into a more structured information.What we then do is, we have different algorithms, we have what we internally call a recommendation engine, which is similar to how today when you rate a movie on IMDb or youre looking at Flix for suggestion movies. That technology is called recommendation engines, we apply that to matching. And at the same time, we do matching on what we internally call a semantic level. So one of the things, youre a young person, you graduated from, did you study business?Martin: Yes.Eiso: So you study business. And one of the things you might know that theres about 50 different ways to name a business degree. Business Administration, International Business, Management, and it goes on and on. So they are all synonyms. At the same time those things that are related to business, which essentially International Marketing, Sales, all of these things. So we do is, we take all those terms and we internally call a mapping.One of the things is that what we can do is, we have a recommendation engine that works across hundreds and hundreds of different areas to do the matching. But we also have all this very structured data that allows us to know when a young person tells us what they studied or what their interested in, or where they worked, we know much more about it.So theres a lot of technical things, among them is too much details, this is essentially the high level overview of how we do our matching. And we continuously working on improving that.Martin: How do you acquire the individuals using your platform?Eiso: So the biggest growth is word of mouth. At the end of the day, if you think about it, you get someone a job. I mean, theyre going to tell their friends. And thats essentially the fundamental part of our business. There are ob viously other channels from the entering to new markets, sometimes its paid acquisition. At the same time we have a fantastic network of student ambassadors across Europe. There are currently 120 and they cover means the top schools spread all over Europe from the Copenhagen Business School to Munich, to Berlin, everywhere, I mean in Spain as well.And then theres the fourth channel, is that we have partnerships with universities. So today actually we have partnerships with schools such as LSE, Kings College, I can spell many more fancy names. Essentially what that means is that, when we have interesting opportunities that match what we know that students are interested in, they publicize it towards their talent.Martin: For free?Eiso: For free. And we have this, I mean with growing partnerships in many countries right now. In the moment many partnerships are being closed in Germany.Martin: Okay. Interesting. Is there some kind of a built-in virality in your product as well?Eiso: So this concept of viral loops and growth hacking, you know, you sent free invites to your cousins and what not and. Weve played a lot around with that. And we had some initial traction actually around doing that. But we realized that fundamentally, it wasnt serving our mission. So what we actually said is, guys, when we do our job right, when we get people into jobs, we see that theres growth. When we see that we can give people real opportunities and do better than the status quo, which today are shitty job sites. And so we actually dont focus that much anymore, especially in the new platform thats launching on send invites to here, especially many of these sites who try to trick people into doing it.Virality works in my opinion, how we look at it, when theres something inherently viral to your product. A chat system like WhatsApp, where you know you can not exist without writing with other people has some inherent virality. Tagging people in pictures because you want to notify o ther people about these things. But still finding your job is quite a personal thing. And so, there might be some things that wed figure out in the future, but we havent yet today.Martin: Okay. Interesting.CORPORATE STRATEGYMartin: Regarding the corporate strategy of you, what do you think are the most important drivers in order to become a very successful company?Eiso: So corporate strategy, its a totally overused word and its quite a fancy word as well. We look at essentially 3 different things.We look at:whats the next 18 months for us,whats the next 3 years, andwhere do we want to be in 5 years. And when we get to 5 years, its not strategy, its vision. Our vision is to be the number player globally in junior recruitment.So this is where we want to get to.How we look at kind of the short and medium term, in terms of strategy, is that its driven by a few things.Its driven by the basic metric of getting people placed into jobs.At the same time, our strategy heavily focused on deci ding where to go geographically and where to go in what verticals.So, geographic expansion for us is when we want to own a continent, essentially, or part of the continent. So right now, between now and the end of the year, were heavily expanding in Europe, weve been at most European cities, yet I think were still missing Paris, which is happening in a few weeks. By the time this is published, we’ll be there as well. At the same time we are starting in South East Asia. We have already been placing some people in jobs, those not our main market focus, in Mexico and Colombia.So were seeing, for us the opportunity is global. Everywhere you go to, companies are hiring young people. There are some cultural differences, and we can talk a little more about this in a bit. But overall, fundamentally, people graduating, people wanting to leave jobs, and going into new ones, happen everywhere.And yes, there is an economic cycle, some countries that are booming and hence its faster t o grow. However even here in Spain today, we see that companies struggle to hire young people. And this country has 50% youth unemployment. So its not so much the fact that talent availability, its often a problem of matching, of actually search.So can a company actually reach the young people that it looking for? Of course Google can reach anyone its looking for. But if youre a startup with 50 people and actually no one really knows who you are, its not as easy sometimes to actually go get the talent on board.So its a 2-sided problem. Its a problem of being able to actually reach the talent and after you reached them, to actually do the matching part. And we focus on both areas.MARKET DEVELOPMENTMartin: Eiso, you have made a very good bridge to market development. I would like to understand how the market for recruiting differs in between the European countries and how the development over the last years has been happening?Eiso: So, there are a few things thats interesting to note. And the first thing is, the trends on the talent side. So one of the things where and maybe you remember this from when youre graduating is that, everyone maybe youre a bit too young, wanted to go into consulting and investment banking. And thats essentially, you know, any graduates in class 6 7 years ago, you know, a Bachelor in Business from any of the schools or Masters or MBAs, its investment banking consulting. Im talking about business talent now, which is essentially social science is the big growth of all graduating talent in Europe, with engineering and sciences being next.Today thats starting to differ and Germany is a very good example, Berlin is a very good example of this as well, for the good and for the bad. That all of the sudden, theres 3 options for business student graduate. And not just for business students by the way, its for engineering and other sciences as well, is that its no longer just about the traditional corporate brands, the Goldman Sachs, the PWC, Accenture, the Lloyd, all of the names that we can round off. But startups have become a real possibility. And people are excited about them. And this is a trend we see in Europe, its a trend we see in the US, its a trend that has not yet to happening in Asia or South America or the Middle East.And in Europe and the US, its fundamentally built on 2 things. Its built on the fact that were a generation thats been told to be happy. And its a generation thats starting to realize that when theyre talking to their friends or people a little bit older about what is it like to work at Goldman Sachs, what is it like to work at Booz company, I was for a little while at Booz company. Well guys, I never leave the Oxford at 2 am, I never have weekends, I shouted out a lot I mean it goes on and on and on and on. So people have become a little bit more spoiled in a good way and sometimes in a bit between the 2 extremes. And so, and this build up on everything that weve seen fro m the Steve Jobs speech given at Stanford, thats had a big impact on this generation, to Mark Zuckerberg coming and being a role model and theres a lot of things that you can add on to this to say why we get to this point. And the fact there are many children today from divorced homes.So this word happiness and wanting to be happy not just in your life but also in your career, matters to them. And startups are great outlet for that, because they allow people to focus on the things they care about most in their first years of their job. And its not money. It was money if maybe 2 decades ago, its still money today in several more developing economies.But actually purpose, masteries to being able to get better and like learning in your skill, all of these things, the team that we get to work with are much more important factors today for young people to decide where they want to work and the exact dollar youre amounting on their paycheck. So this is a little bit about the trend on th e talent side.On the company side, were seeing several trends as well. Corporate companies are starting to realize, that these things are happening. And theyre trying to adapt. Not all of them yet, and many arent yet but were seeing more and more great companies starting to realize that talent today is not there to stay for the next 20 years. And they are starting accept it and sometime being okay with it. Ive seen the examples, Im not going to name the exact companies, but its the big large multinational companies that say, We want you to be here one or 2 years and then we want you to leave our company. We want you to work abroad in another company and we love to have you back 3 years later. Or we want and go develop you, we want to actually Because they realize they can’t no longer retain someone for 20 years in the same company, because thats not the reality of us anymore.And this is one major trend that we starting to see happen. At the same time, we see a bigger growing vol ume of startups happening in Europe, and the US and hence being an actual labor market. There is a significant volume today that can actually be considered a real labor market. Theres some EU report that just came out trying to estimate the size and you know millions of jobs being created through some of these new companies. So this is another thing where we see that, you know, startups take, theres a new company thats being founded doesnt have legacy, so they take a look around and say what are the best practices in recruiting, in HR, in managing people, in policy, all of these things and theyre implementing those. So it means that a lot of the legacy staff of existing corporate companies, the strictness about hours or about a holiday policy or things like this, it is starting to changing at startups because theyre their taking and this doesnt work in the past, this is whats applicable to todays youth.And then what we see, the funny thing is that the big companies then copy fr om the startups again and thats quite an interesting side.Martin: Okay. In terms of the difference between the recruiting markets, between for example in Europe between Germany and around. Can you tell us about that?Eiso: So there are a few things that we see. Obviously there are companies in Europe that are doing better than others. So we have to start an economy that are, Spain actually starting to kick up and strengthen quite a bit now at the moment. Weve been through to peak of the recession here now since about last month. Its in the US and other places.But there is still high youth unemployment, in Spain, Italy, Greece, Ireland as well. And we see that there are talent flows happening from these countries to Northern European countries where there are huge demands for especially engineering talent. This is usually only limited by language. So in countries where English or German in our case, is not as well taught, or not as well spread, we see some of the barriers of those flows. But the willingness of the talent is huge. People are starting to move more inside Europe because they have to.So some of them are very interesting. We do see that theres many countries that people return to after a few years, it’s pretty hard to live in Spain and to go to Germany and be under grey sky most of the year and then actually decided for 2 3 years you want to stay for the rest of your life.So we do actually in reality see that these things bring people back to their countries. So some of them maybe will say yes theres a lot of outflow, and theres people coming. Actually, theres as much as people coming back at a time period as theyre leaving. And it might not become purely reflected in the immigration, immigration numbers yet. But we see this already happening and well see that as the economy strengthens in the Southern countries again, we expect a lot of young people to return to their homes.Martin: Okay.ADVICE TO ENTREPRENEURS FROM EISO KANTMartin : Eiso, we always try to help our first time entrepreneurs with some advice from other entrepreneurs. And I think you have one or two very interesting learnings that you would like to share with our readers?Eiso: So, I have no idea Actually, the first thing Im going to tell you is that, any piece of advice anyone is going to give you, might work for you, might work for me, but it might not work someone else. And thats one of the main things that weve learnt is that, yes you can gather advice from people and you should always, you know, what we do actually here is we start with reading blogs and books, with extra talking to experts, our advisors and then actually come up with a summarized conclusion.But one of the things that weve learnt is that, the experience that has helped our company, might actually not help another company. But the way we approached actually by looking at gathering advice and going through systematically through these kind of steps, has help us a tremendous a mount. Im able to sit here and the whole company able to exist on the shoulders of many fantastic people who have helped us over the last years. Thats a bit of a general advice about advice and how useful that is.But, some more concrete pieces of advice, we believe that people in your company are everything. We believe that the number one asset for any startup is not its app or its money in the bank, its actually people that sit there.As a startup youre trying to disrupt, in most cases, the existing industry or youre trying to change something thats the status quo, or trying to introduce something new. And you have to move faster than everyone else. You have to do it better. And that only works if you have the right people in your company.How we do our recruitment here, is that we focus it on essentially two main areas. We don’t care so much about the formal education that youve had or your age or where youre from or even the language that you speak as long as we can communicate t ogether. We care about the fact that you have a high willingness and the ability to always be learning. And thats incredibly important for us. Because as you come into a startup, its a dynamic environment, theres a lot of things always changing, a lot of new projects coming up, your role might even change over time, and we need people there who can consistently actually keep on getting better at their jobs.So these is a little bit very concrete in terms of how we, were a recruitment company, who genuinely believes that recruiting is actually the pillar of our success.And then, a little bit of cliché advice, you cant see it but Im actually reading it from the wall behind. It says, Its really hard to beat the team that never gives up. And actually someone in my company brought this the other page in our About page, and when Chuck was writing this, he said, this is exactly what defines what weve been doing for the last 3 years with this company. A relentless and continuous focus on ha ving a mission and wanting to succeed at that mission and being able to tackle whatever comes at you. Youll probably heard this in the word of emotional roller coaster a lot, where in the morning, you know you think, youre on top of the world with your company but in the evening you think the whole thing is about to fall apart because a deal fell through in between. Managed that roller coaster. Get enough sleep, be able to and know the fact that youre in a roller coaster because theres always ups and theres always downs. With a little bit of luck, youre going to get to the finish line.Martin: Thank you very much, Eiso. And one quick thing, especially with the Tyba Entrepreneurial Insights relation would be, if some when in the future you want to start a company, a quick start would be just using Tyba to get into a startup company, learn some skills and then continue reading Entrepreneurial Insights and then you have all that you need for starting a great company.Eiso: I couldnt a gree more.Martin: Thank you very much.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
A Brief Note On Modern Standing Of Sustainability
2. Modern Standing Of Sustainability In the most countries the using of energy and emissions of CO2 are the biggest driver for the buildings. About 160 million building are in the EU are estimated for using more than 40% of the energy in Europe and push more than 40% of emissions carbon dioxide. The US Energy Information Administration pointed to the share of the energy and the emissions of the greenhouse gas (GHG) that connected with building it is bigger in US and the total emissions amount to 48%. In many developing countries, the emission from buildings and the percent of the total emission have increased constantly over the last 50 years. The increasing in the energy of the devices that are been used inside the buildings and the big†¦show more content†¦Lowering the energy and GHG effect in both the existing and the new buildings represents and therefore the main challenge and a chance to treat global warming. The companies of ICT has build and operate facilities which can be demand a big amounts of energy and material consumption in all stages of the life cycle. The increasing in the effective of the energy always main goal for the ICT companies and can start with facilities themselves. There are many plans that are adopted by worldwide which is can be lead to the more sustainable design, building and operation of buildings. 2.1 Definition of Sustainability The sustainability consists of three main basics like stool, each leg presents ecosystem, economy and society. If any leg is missing from the sustainability stool it will cause destabilization, because the society, the economy and the ecosystem are complex and connected to each other. (Young, 1997). This requires for meeting the four key objectives in the whole world at the same time (W.M. Adamsm2008(: 1. The social progress that admitted the needs for everyone. 2. The efficient protection to the environment. 3. The rational use to the natural resources. 4. The maintenance to the high and stable levels for the economic growth and the chance of employment. Sustainability appears that the critical activities of the institution of the higher education (at minimum) sound ecologically, socially and viable
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulemia Nervosa - 925 Words
The DSM-IV-TR states that there are two main types of eating disorders, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Anorexia and bulimia are extremely serious eating disorders. The word anorexia means loss of appetite, while boulima refers to bulimia and means â€Å"Hunger of an ox†. â€Å"Ninety percent of cases of eating disorders occur in adolescent females, this fluctuates from the ages of 14 through 18†. Eating disorders are associated with an altered body image, displeasure with body weight, and unhealthy patterns of food consumption (Valentina, Markovic, Srdanovic Mitrovic, 2010, 3). Anorexia is an eating disorder in which the individuals have lost more weight than what is considered healthy for their height and age. Their weight loss and food†¦show more content†¦They are mostly secretive about what they eat and often times do not eat in public. This is because bulimia doesn’t specifically mean they become too skinny, in reality bulimics tend to maintain a certain body weight throughout their disorder because they don’t eat for so long then eat excessively. They will often hide their food or give it away and go to the bathroom after most meals. There are also complications with eating disorders. These include â€Å"abnormalities in the lymbic system and high serotonin levels; they will also have difficulties in early feeding, family attitudes about a healthy body weight, family problems, alcoholic tendencies, and loss of self-confidence, sexual abuse, anxiety, and depression†(Ham). The reason that these individuals are vulnerable to these factors are because when having a self-esteem disorder and self-confidence disorder they often become susceptible to putting themselves in situations that make themselves feel better about the way that they look. Negative associations that occur in bulimics include; having scares on their hands or knuckles from inducing their own vomit, they have discolored teeth and bad breath from the constant vomiting, nose bleeds, sore throats and commonly the lack of a period in women (Hall Cohn, 2010). There are many complications including weight gain, abdominal pain, bloating, swelling of the hands and feet, hoarseness in the voice, broken blood vessels in the eyes, swollen cheeks and salivary glands,Show MoreRelatedAnorexia and Bulemia Nervosa: The New Epidemic919 Words  | 4 Pagesanorexic models to portray that a perfect physical appearance entails an achievement. There have been cases, where some modistes specify that their clothes designs are just for slim people. The two most common eating disorders are Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa. Anorexia Nervosa is an eating and psychological disorder. This condition goes beyond weight control; the patient starts a diet to lose weight until it becomes a symbol of power and control. Thus, the individual comes to the brink of starvationRead MorePsychological Disorders1952 Words  | 8 Pagesback then. I spoke today in my interview about the different disorders I am knowledgeable in but was asked to elaborate more on Schizophrenia and two other case studies. I am going to provide as much information as I can on the eating disorder Anorexia Nervosa and on the drug abuse case of Alcoholism. Analyzing Psychological Disorders Page 2 I will admit that I am fascinated with schizophrenia. The human brain is such a mystery with new things being discovered every day and oneRead MorePsy 244 Essay10464 Words  | 42 Pagesfood choices and eating behavior 17. What are the disorders of anorexia nervosa and bulemia? Who is most likely to be affected, girls or boys? What are some of the known health consequences? -anorexia nervosa: can arrest pubescence or, in sexually mature women, can cause amenorrhea (immediate cause is grossly inadequate diet, which furthers psychological problems, vicious circle) females: 85-90% males:10-15% Bulimia nervosa: an eating disorder in which the person- typically a young woman in
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Best Mom Free Essays
Best mom essay Hello my name is Cassandra and I Will Be talking about my mom and why she should become one of the best moms in San Diego. I believe that my mom has done many things to receive this kind of award and I think that she is one of the greatest moms. There are many reasons that I say why she should become on of the best moms in SanDiego. We will write a custom essay sample on Best Mom or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some of the reasons that she should become one of the greatest moms in San Diego are because she has volunteered at my school and she has sacrificed many things for me and my siblings and she is also a good role model. These are only some traits if my mom and in the rest of this essay I will be elaborating on these 3 traits of my mother. My mom should be one of the greatest moms in San Diego because she did volunteer at our school and help out. My school has a mandatory of 15 hours that the parents of a student have to volunteer at the school in a year. My mom has volunteered at the school for not only 15 hours. She was done with her volunteer hours around the 3rd moth of school and yet she still volunteers even though it isn’t mandatory after that. At a school program called Acess we do a lot of community services like helping g in beach clean up, doing volunteer at the Ronald MacDonald house and helping kids with autism. Over all we have done more that 20 community services within my years there and my mom has volunteered in almost all of them and helped manage the kids. That is one of the reasons that I believe that my mom should be one of the greatest moms in San Diego. The second reason that my mom should be nominated as one of the greatest is because she has taught me many lessons and many things that will help me in life. Some of the things that my mom has taught me are Responsibility, Organization, respect, Honor, and honesty. All these things are lessons that will help me in school middle school, high school, college, and even after I get out of school just in life. I believe that because I learned many things from my mother that she should be named one of the greatest moms in San Diego. Another reason that I think my mom should be named best mom would be because she is a great role model. My mother is a very good role model to me and my siblings. My mother is a person who puts all her effort to raising us good and she is a hard worker and that motivates us to do a good job and work hard in school and that is one reason I think my mom is a great mother. In conclusion I believe that my mom is a great mother and she should be named one of the greatest moms in San Diego. t as told above the reason I think this is because she volunteers at our school even after finishing the mandatory hours and she has taught me some of the important lesson that help me in the future and she is a great role model. How to cite Best Mom, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Business Research Method Research Proposal Financial Performances
Question: Discuss about theBusiness Research Method Research Proposalfor Financial Performances. Answer: Introduction: Financial performances of a business entity play a crucial role in handling all the internal activities (Edirisooriyaa 2014). In this research study, the focus will be on the evaluation of the kind of impact financial performances of an organization can have on the satisfaction level of the employees. For that reason, the study will consider Bank of Queensland Limited to highlight the significance of maintaining financial standards to encourage employees to give their best at the workplace. Bank of Queensland has focused on evaluating different strategies to improve its financial condition at different level. Bank of Queensland was established in 1874 with the objective of providing retail-banking services to the Australian people. Recent performance assessment as highlighted the fact that financial earnings of Bank of Queensland has dropped by 3%, which has affected internal management of the operational process (boq.com.au 2017). For instance, Bank of Queensland has facing problem of providing proper benefit level to all the employees. It would create direct impact on the motivational level of the employees towards performing their provided responsibilities. As a result, it would direct adverse impact on the performance level of the employees. The study will focus on highlighting the significance of maintaining financial performances for encouraging employees to perform at their optimum level. Literature Review: Impact of Reward and remuneration on employee performances: As highlighted by Shields et al. (2015) reward and remuneration has greater impact in maintaining the mental setup of the employees. For that reason, several organizations have focused on developing clear and effective remuneration and reward system for fulfilling the business objectives in an appropriate way. It has been assessed that employee with higher level of remuneration has tried to provide superior impact on the performance level. Moreover, Anitha (2014) have highlighted the fact that employee performance heavily depends on the satisfaction and motivational level of the employees. Therefore, it is necessary for all the business entities to focus on maintaining the positive work culture in an appropriate manner. However, it is necessary for the management of business entities to evaluate the performance level of all the employees at the time of deciding the remuneration package. Otherwise, it might create negative impact on the performance level of the employees (Dobre 2013). On the other hand, higher pay structure or remuneration package increases the cost associated with the operational process. Therefore, in order to maintain the higher remuneration for all the employees, organizations need to be on the financially strong position. Otherwise, it might not able to achieve sustainable expansion in the market. Other variables associated with financial condition that can have impact on employee performances: As opined by AbuKhalifeh and Som (2013) financial condition of business entities play a major role in fulfilling the entire requirements of the operational process. Strong financial condition allows organizations to include proper amount of resources for fulfilling the business activities. Conversely, financially weak position induces organizations to focus on completing all the requirements with the limited resources. As a result, it increases the amount of pressure that employees will have to face in performing their provided responsibilities. It directly affected the work life balance of the employees. Thus, it eventually creates negative impact on the satisfaction and motivational level of the employees, which also create negative impact on the overall performance level. As highlighted by Boeri, Lucifora and Murphy (2013) financially strong condition provides assurance to the employees regarding the career enhancement process. Therefore, it induces employees to remain associated with the business entities for a long period of time. Otherwise, organizations will have to deal with high employee turnover issue, which eventually affect the overall performance level. For that reason, it is necessary for the organizations to maintain financial condition at the desired level to motivate the employees to perform beyond their capabilities. Research Questions: The study would consider following questions: What is the satisfaction level of the employees working in the Australian banking sector regarding their remuneration? What are the prime challenges that Bank of Queensland is facing in order to satisfy its employees? What is impact of present remuneration package initiated by Bank of Queensland in maintaining employee performances? What is the best possible way for Bank of Queensland to improve present financial performances? Research Methodology: According to Mackey and Gass (2015) outcome of any study depends on the selected methodology, as it allows the study to move forward towards a particular direction. Now, in order to use methodology effectively, the study needs to cover research philosophy, approach and design perspectives. Now, in order to understand the impact of financial condition of Bank of Queensland on the employee performances, the study would consider positivism research philosophy. It would allow constructing hypothesis based on the present financial condition of Bank of Queensland. Therefore, it would eventually help to include appropriate information related to the research topic (Silverman 2016). On the other hand, the research would not focus on other philosophies due to time limitation. In addition, the research would focus on deductive approach, as it can help to include different previous studies and concepts appropriately. Thus, it would help to include information regarding the significance of finan cial condition on the employee performances. Moreover, it would help to test the formulated hypothesis in an effective way (Flick 2015). Conversely, the research study would not focus on the inductive research approach, as the topic does not require any introduction of new concepts or theories. For understanding the importance of the financial condition of Bank of Queensland on employee performances, the study would choose descriptive research design. As per the article by Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault (2015) descriptive research design can help the study to include appropriate design in a major way. It also would help to identify the factors that can have major impact on the performance level of the employees. Therefore, it can help Bank of Queensland to focus on the development of effective decision-making process for enhancing the performance level of the employees in an effective manner. Project Plan: Referred to appendix section Research Process: According to Panneerselvam (2014), research process represents the systematic completion of all the required activities. The first step would focus on establishment of clear aim and objectives to direct the study towards a particular direction. Therefore, it would focus on proper evaluation of the background of the study. The second step would focus on developing literature review section based on the impact of financial condition on the employee performances. In this step, the study will include several previous literatures regarding the employee performance perspectives to add value to the research study. The third step of the study would consider proper utilization of research methodology perspective to ensure that all the objectives can be fulfilled in an efficient manner. Fourth step of the study would focus on the selection of data collection and analysis technique so that it can able to depict the actual situation efficiently. The step also focuses on identifying best possible tools for analyzing the collected data in an effective manner. Fifth step focuses on the proper conclusion of the study where all the requirements are meet at the optimum level. It would also focuses on identification of proper recommended strategies for enhancing the performance level of the employees. Data Collection and Analysis Method: According to Flick (2015), data collection process help the study to include in-depth information about the research topic. In order to understand the impact of financial condition of Bank of Queensland on employee performances, the study would consider primary data collection technique. Here, the study would only focuses on the quantitative data collection approach to understand the trend in an effective manner. Moreover, it would also help to include different perspective of the respondents in an efficient manner. For that reason, the study would include online survey strategy to collect appropriate information about the research topic. In order to estimate the impact of financial condition of Bank of Queensland on the employee performances, the study would focus on using non-probability sampling technique. Here, the study would choose 100 employees working in Bank of Queensland to assess the exact amount of impact that financial condition of the organization can have on the perfor mance level of the employees. In addition, the study would also consider statistical techniques like mean, median, mode, correlation and regression for analyzing the captured information appropriately. Expected Research Outcomes: The discussion has highlighted the fact that the research study will include all possible factors associated with the financial condition of Bank of Queensland that can have impact on the performance level of the employees. Therefore, it is expected that the study will provide best possible way to maintain the bonding strong between the employee performance and financial condition. Moreover, it is expected that the study will also provide an idea regarding the kind of impact that decreasing financial growth of Bank of Queensland will have on the employee performances. It is also expected that the study will provide effective recommendation for keeping the performance level of the employees at the desired level. References: AbuKhalifeh, A.A.N. and Som, A.P.M., 2013. The antecedents affecting employee engagement and organizational performance.Asian Social Science,9(7), p.41. Anitha, J., 2014. Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance.International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Boeri, T., Lucifora, C. and Murphy, K.J., 2013.Executive remuneration and employee performance-related pay: a transatlantic perspective. Oxford University Press. boq.com.au, 2017. [online] Available at: https://www.boq.com.au [Accessed 4 Feb. 2017]. Dobre, O.I., 2013. Employee motivation and organizational performance.Journal of Management and Socio-Economic, (1). Edirisooriyaa, W.A., 2014, February. Impact of Rewards on Employee Performance: With Special Reference to ElectriCo. InProceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Management and Economics(Vol. 26, p. 27). Flick, U., 2015.Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. Sage. Mackey, A. and Gass, S.M., 2015.Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge. Panneerselvam, R., 2014.Research methodology. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.. Shields, J., Brown, M., Kaine, S., Dolle-Samuel, C., North-Samardzic, A., McLean, P., Johns, R., Robinson, J., O'Leary, P. and Plimmer, G., 2015.Managing Employee Performance Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies. Cambridge University Press. Silverman, D. ed., 2016.Qualitative research. Sage. Taylor, S.J., Bogdan, R. and DeVault, M., 2015.Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley Sons.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Ap Biology Lab free essay sample
Explain how environmental factors affect the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reaction. Explain why catalysis activity decreased over time. 3. Introduction †¢ An enzyme is a specific organic catalyst (substance that speeds up reaction without being used up in the experiment) in which it binds on to a specific substrate (reactant) at the active site and lowers the activation energy required to perform that reaction. Enzymes are important biologically because, for example, the human body performs certain reactions that keep us alive and most of them react at 37 degrees Celsius (body temperature. In each of these reactions, there is an enzyme that catalyzes these reactions to lower the amount of energy needed to perform this reaction. If enzymes didn’t exist then body temperature wouldn’t be enough to perform any of these reactions properly. Enzymes have certain conditions in which it will work in. For instance, most enzymes react at certain temperatures (varies in each enzyme), most enzymes react from a pH of 6- 8, and react faster or slower according to the amount of substrate present. We will write a custom essay sample on Ap Biology Lab or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Altering temperature, pH level, and concentrations of enzyme and substrates may cause absolute no change to the activation energy in which the enzyme would have been denatured. In addition to these environmental factors, other molecules may react with an enzyme. These may have great to no effect on the enzymes. Those that increase the rate of substrate entrance into the active site are known as activators by hitting the enzyme on one side of the protein (enzymes are protein) and altering the shape of the active site on the other side. Those molecules that slow down or stop activation are known as inhibitors which bind on to one side of the protein and cause the active site to misshapen which would decrease or eliminate the amount of substrates that may enter the active site. 4. Materials and Methods †¢ See lab notebook pages. 5. Results 2a: 1. Observe the reaction a. What is the enzyme in this reaction? †¢ Catalase solution b. What is the substrate in this reaction? †¢ H2O2 c. What is the product in this reaction? †¢ H20 and 02 d. How could you show that the gas evolved is 02 Capture bubbles in closed solution and ignite. If flame appears then if 02 2. Explain the reason for this difference. †¢ First reaction had 02 gas bubbles and the second one did not have bubbles. 3. What do you observe? What do you think would happen if the liver was boiled before being added to the H2O2? †¢ Gaseous bubbles formed around the liver. If liver had been boiled there would be no bubbles. 2b: Baseline calculation Final reading of burette 22. 5 mL Initial reading of burette 26. 5 mL Baseline (initial- final) 4 mL 2c: Uncatalyzed H2O2 decomposition Explain your prediction. a. Lowering the temperature slow the rate of enzyme activity because of the effect on the activation energy. 6. Design a controlled experiment to test the effect of varying pH, temperature, or enzyme concentration. a. A controlled experiment that would test pH could include comparing two groups, a control group with no added acid, and an experimental group with added acid. Each group would consist of a solution containing an enzyme such as catalase and the material it breaks down such as H2O2. The independent variable would be the added acid while the dependent variable would be the difference in amount of H2O2 broken down. This could be measured through a titration of KMnO4. Discussion: Experimental results in 2D did not support conclusion effectively. Conclusion should’ve reflected that when time is a factor, more and more substrate gets used up by the enzyme. The reason is because when the titration was taking place, different people were doing it which would affect the credibility and precision of the titration. This false procedure caused the results to vary and fluctuate accordingly to the mistake taking place.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Free Essays on Hazing
Hazing In today’s world if a person would want to get on a certain team or join a frat or sorority, that person would have to put up with one big thing, initiation. Or as most call it hazing. There not the only people that put up with hazing though. Hazing is becoming big in high schools, church events, and even professional sports. Since so many people have to put up with the issue of hazing, it has become a very big issue in today’s world. Whether it involves binge drinking, kidnapping, or some type of physical abuse, hazing is becoming an issue that is too common. Since it is becoming so common most people feel that someone needs to step in and stop hazing in all events no matter what it is. Hazing can be defined in many different ways depending on whom you’re talking to. But the actual definition is that it is any activity or situation that has been formed with the intention of causing another person mental or physical pain, embarrassment, or ridicule. Hazing can range from making a person eat ridiculous things, to even have a person take a beating from others. Hazing happens mostly in colleges, but is becoming more common with high schools and other organizations as well. People that want to join a frat or sorority have to deal with this issue on a daily basis, as well as athletes. The idea of hazing is to show how much a certain individual wants to be in a certain club. So since the people at the head of the club can pretty much do what ever they want to a certain individual, they do. They do that because it deals with the universal saying, only the strong survive. Which means the only people that will make it into the club are the ones that do whatever they say. So the heads of the clubs have each person wanting to join do outrageous things because they want to show there power as well as make the person look stupid. But that’s why the heads of these clubs make the statement that it is supposed to g... Free Essays on Hazing Free Essays on Hazing When one hears the word â€Å"hazing,†the typically first impression is that of a fraternity member with a paddle in one hand, beer in another and a young â€Å"pledge†bent over being struck by the wooden paddle. This is defiantly a case of classic hazing, however many other forms have been created and made public in the recent past. Other fields such as military, sorority, high school and athletic teams have begun to come under the same scrutiny fraternities have been for years. For someone who has never been â€Å"hazed†the issue can be quite complicated and some ignorant conclusions may be made. Hazing has different, but yet very similar definitions from various institutions. The first thing I noticed here was that fraternities were the only institution that the American College Dictionary directly addresses. Obviously the FIPG listed above goes into more detail regarding fraternity actions and focus on those activities Hazing is defined by the FIPG (Fraternity Insurance Purchasing Group) as: "Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities carried on outside or inside of the confines of the chapter house; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution." The American College Dictionary goes on to define the action of â€Å"haze†as: â€Å"1. To persecute or harass with meaningless... Free Essays on Hazing Is It Innocent Team Bonding Or The Abuse and Endangerment of An Athlete’s Rights? Current issues have forced NCAA athletics to deal and confront the dangerous acts of team hazing. On January 14th, the University of Vermont men’s hockey season was forced to a sudden halt. With thirteen games left, the team’s 23 remaining players were read a litany of their sins by the state’s attorney general, William Sorrell. He stated the schools handling of the hazing incident(s) was â€Å"conducted loosely while specific evidence was withheld that lead to a slow indecisive investigation,†which resulted in his intervention (Hoover). Hazing is a long practiced and in many cases long accepted rite of initiation in such cliques as military and college fraternities and athletics. It is a relatively new current issue and needs to be seriously addressed. Last August Alfred (NY) University released a study that included two hundred and twenty four participating institutions that submitted names and addresses of 61,258 student athletes. From the responses, they found that 80% of responding college athletes were subjected to alcohol-related hazing and more than 20% to such other activities. Of the participating institutions, the UVM was not one of them (Hoover). Clearly, UVM and other organizations must be more vigilant. Greater and more effective efforts must be made to know what students are doing, and perhaps more importantly, what and how they are thinking. Team or group bonding experiences that attain the desired results without harassing humiliations and dangers must be developed and promoted. Across societies and time, people have initiated new members into groups through ceremonies and rituals designed to foster a feeling of belonging. Yet, sometimes those activities cross the line into hazing. Hazing, defined by Alfred University, is â€Å"any activity expected of someone joining a group that humiliates, degrades, abuses or en... Free Essays on Hazing Hazing In today’s world if a person would want to get on a certain team or join a frat or sorority, that person would have to put up with one big thing, initiation. Or as most call it hazing. There not the only people that put up with hazing though. Hazing is becoming big in high schools, church events, and even professional sports. Since so many people have to put up with the issue of hazing, it has become a very big issue in today’s world. Whether it involves binge drinking, kidnapping, or some type of physical abuse, hazing is becoming an issue that is too common. Since it is becoming so common most people feel that someone needs to step in and stop hazing in all events no matter what it is. Hazing can be defined in many different ways depending on whom you’re talking to. But the actual definition is that it is any activity or situation that has been formed with the intention of causing another person mental or physical pain, embarrassment, or ridicule. Hazing can range from making a person eat ridiculous things, to even have a person take a beating from others. Hazing happens mostly in colleges, but is becoming more common with high schools and other organizations as well. People that want to join a frat or sorority have to deal with this issue on a daily basis, as well as athletes. The idea of hazing is to show how much a certain individual wants to be in a certain club. So since the people at the head of the club can pretty much do what ever they want to a certain individual, they do. They do that because it deals with the universal saying, only the strong survive. Which means the only people that will make it into the club are the ones that do whatever they say. So the heads of the clubs have each person wanting to join do outrageous things because they want to show there power as well as make the person look stupid. But that’s why the heads of these clubs make the statement that it is supposed to g...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
The popular english accents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The popular english accents - Essay Example Accent is descriptive of pronunciation and not vocabulary or grammar. English speakers who are not native to the UK tend to integrate the phonemic and intonation inventory into their English pronunciation from their mother tongue. Among the native speakers, there exist many accents. Some of these accents from specific regions, for example, the Pennsylvania Dutch English, can be identified easily by particular characteristics. There are further variations that can be found in the regions discussed in this report; for instance, the towns that are found less than 16 km from Manchester like Salford, Oldham, and Bolton posses varying accents that all form the collective Lancashire accent (Giegerich, 2011: p28). However, in extreme circumstances, they are different such as to be noticed by listeners, not from the area. People from various regions have a lot of room for misunderstanding; the manner in which one word’s pronunciation in a specific accent will sound different when said in another accent. For example, the word petal when pronounced in American English is different from its pronunciation as pearl by the Scottish. Methodology This research will utilize a methodology that was first used by Ainsfeld and Lambert in the late 50s and early 60s. The methodology was further refined by Bourhis and Giles and involves the important feature of matched guise that employs one person speaking in two accents that are different (Yan, 2009: p716). All attempts were made minimizing the paralinguistic variables like number of hesitations and reading speed. However, paralinguistic variations do occur, despite this minimization on these variables. Therefore, it was important to consider this, especially because of the monotonous reading style in the recordings. The practice voice used in the study was meant to familiarize the listeners with the questions they were to fill in the questionnaire found in the appendix. The study was interested in impressions that were create d in listeners by the speaker. Often, it is possible to tell where the speaker is from using the voice alone, for instance, when one hears a stranger talk on the radio or even on the telephone. The listeners were given recordings of various speakers with the speaker saying similar things and were obligated to pay attention to the way the person sounded rather than the content of the speech (Yan, 2009: p717). After hearing each speaker, the subjects, were expected to take a moment to think and then answer the questions in the questionnaire according to their impression. The subjects were not expected to take too much time in answering but were, rather, expected to give their first impressions with no wrong or right answers (Yan, 2009: p717). Discussion The United Kingdom, probably, is the nation that is most obsessed with accents in the entire world. With accents that are believed to have been shaped through many years of history, few nations that speak English have as many varieties of the language in a space as small as the UK (Donn & james, 2011: p25). The following were the accents that were identified during the study. Received Pronunciation This accent is the closest we have to a standard accent in the United Kingdom. While it originated from London English, at present, it has no specific region of origin. This accent is especially common in Oscar Wilde plays, Merchant ivory films, and Jane Austen adaptations. Received
Monday, February 3, 2020
Ethics and sustaibanbility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Ethics and sustaibanbility - Essay Example Toyota got into a situation wherein disclosure could be damaging to both the company and to its customers. An ethical problem existed wherein a decision has to be made between what is bad and what is good. Toyota is also faced with a decision to act based on legality or efficiency of actions. The first steps in analyzing ethical issues are getting the facts to guide decisions and next are the appeal to values because the facts does not tell us what to do, but values directs us to moral issues of decisions. Documents showed that the Toyota knew of the problem with the sticky pedals in late September but did not issue a recall until late January. Why did they hide it from the public? Was it their intention to continue selling damaged vehicles and let buyers beware and face accidents? There is very little information on the internal events about the damage, who discovered it and other related details. What has been established is that Toyota knew of the damage as early as September of 2009 but made announcements only in late January in 2010. In five months time, there could have been accidents due to faulty breaks that could have been avoided. Individual groups who have important stake in the issue are customers of Toyota; the management and stockholders and the government. Some concerns that got Toyota into a mess, I believe, is the fear for outcome of decisions that would adversely affect Toyota’s operation. Those who will be affected by the first action are the Toyota customers who are facing dangers of accident due to faulty break system. Report said that there are about 2.3 million Toyota vehicles affected by the damage. In the second action, when Toyota announced to public the damage and recall of the cars, those affected are the stockholders and management. Confidence of customers on Toyota is threatened thereby there is a risk of decline of sales. Investors will also lose
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Isomerism in Molybdenum Carbonyl Phosphine Complexes
Isomerism in Molybdenum Carbonyl Phosphine Complexes Part A Preparation and Identification of the Isomers of [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] Introduction Molybdenum carbonyl phosphine complexes with the general formula, [Mo(CO)4L2] where (L=PR3; R=Me, Ph etc) have an octahedral geometry. This means the complexes are able to display either cis or trans stereochemistry. Interconversion between the two isomeric forms is enabled through thermal Mo-P bond cleavage. Only the thermodynamically stable isomer of [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] is formed by direct reaction of Mo(CO)6 and PPh3. So in order to isolate both isomeric forms of the complex, [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] is used as an intermediate. The aim of this experiment was: The preparation of [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] by reaction of Mo(CO)6 with piperidine dissolved in toluene The preparation of cis-[Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] by substitution of piperidine with PPh3 The thermal isomerisation of [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] to produce the trans isomeric form Characterization of the products by IR spectroscopy allowed the isomeric forms of each of the complexes to be identified, and the most stable form of the product to be deduced. Reaction Scheme Method Preparation of [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] A summary of the preparative details for the formation of [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] is detailed in table 1.1 Volume Weight Molar Mass Molar Amount Equivalence Density cm-3 g g mol-1 mol g mL-1 Mo(CO)6 1.00 264.00 3.788E-03 1.00 Toluene 15.00 12.98 92.14 1.408E-01 37.18 0.865 Piperidine 10.00 8.62 85.15 1.012E-01 26.73 0.862 Table 1.1 The preparative details of [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] Mo(CO)6 (1.00 g, 3.79 mmol) was dissolved in a mixture of toluene (15 mL) and piperidine (10 mL, 9.62 g, 101.00 mmol), under an inert atmosphere with stirring at 110 à ¢Ã‚  °C for 2 hours under reflux. The resultant yellow mixture was filtered under vacuum for 15 minutes, washed with ice-cold 60/80 petroleum ether (210 mL), to yield a yellow crystalline solid of [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2]. Yield (1.19 g, 83%); ÃŽ ½max/ cm-1 3250.88 (N-H), 2931.85, 2853.10 (C-H), 2011.73, 1877.24, 1756.58, 1706.11 (C=O), 1476.99, 1462.33 (C-C) In order to calculate the yield of [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] formed, the following method was employed, with details summarised in table 1.2. Mass Obtained Molar Mass Moles Theoretical Yield Percentage Yield g g mol-1 mol g [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] 1.19 378.30 3.146E-03 1.433 83.05 Table 1.2 The yields for the formation of [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] The theoretical mass of [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] was calculated from its molar mass and the number of moles of the limiting reagent, Mo(CO)6 , using the following equation eq.1.1 On formation of [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] the yield of the complex was actually obtained to be 1.19 g. So in order to work out the percentage yield of [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] formed, eq 1.2 was used Preparation of [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] (Isomer A) by Substitution of Piperidine with PPh3 A summary of the details of preparing [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] (isomer A) is given in table 1.3 Volume Weight Molar Mass Molar Amount Equivalence Density/ g mL-1 cm-3 g g mol-1 mol g mL-1 [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] 0.50 378.30 1.322E-03 1.00 PPh3 0.75 262.29 2.859E-03 2.16 CH2Cl2 10.00 13.25 84.93 1.560E-01 118.04 1.325 [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] (0.50 g, 1.32 mmol), triphenylphosphine (0.75 g, 2.86 mmol) and CH2Cl2 (10 mL) were refluxed at 40 à ¢Ã‚  °C, under an inert atmosphere for 15 minutes. The reaction mixture was allowed to cool to room temperature. Then methanol (15 mL) was added to the mixture and cooled in the freezer for 30 minutes. The precipitate was filtered under vacuum for 15 minutes which yielded a pale-yellow solid of [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2](isomer A). Yield (0.43 g, 44%); ÃŽ ½max/ cm-1 2925.53 (C-H), 2011.26, 1876.74, 1756.04, 1706.81 (C=O), 1462.87 (C=C). The yields of the product, [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] (isomer A) are summarized in table 1.4. Mass Obtained Molar Mass Moles Theoretical Yield Percentage Yield g g mol-1 mol g [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] (Isomer A) 0.43 732.58 5.870E-04 0.968 44.41 As before using eq.1.1 and eq.1.2 the percentage yield was calculated from the theoretical yield. However in this case the limiting reagent was found to be [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] Preparation of [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] (Isomer B) by Thermal Isomerisation of Isomer A Table 1.5 shows a summary of the preparative details of [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] (isomer B) Volume Weight Molar Mass Molar Amount Equivalence Density cm-3 g g mol-1 mol g mL-1 [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] (Isomer A) 0.40 732.58 5.460E-04 1.00 Toluene 4.00 3.46 92.14 3.755E-02 68.77 0.865 Since isomer A was produced in a relatively low yield, the thermal isomerisation reaction was scaled so that only 0.4 g of isomer A was used. [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] (isomer A) (0.40 g, 0.55 mmol) was added to toluene (4 mL) and stirred under reflux at 110 à ¢Ã‚  °C for 30 minutes under an inert atmosphere. The solution was cooled to room temperature and 60/80 petroleum ether (9 mL) was added to aid precipitation. The resultant mixure was filtered under vacuum for 15 minutes, rinsed with 60/80 petroleum ether (2 x 5 mL), which yielded a brown solid of [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] (isomer B). Yield (0.26 g, 65%); ÃŽ ½max/ cm-1 3056.60 (C-H), 1873.38 (C=O), 1476.92, 1431.71 (C=C). The yields of the product, [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] (isomer B) are summarized in table 1.6 Mass Obtained Molar Mass Moles Theoretical Yield Percentage Yield g g mol-1 mol g [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] (Isomer B) 0.26 732.58 3.549E-04 0.400 65.00 As before using eq.1.1 and eq.1.2 the percentage yield was calculated from the theoretical yield. Results and Discussion This experiment involved the isolation of the two geometrical isomers of [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2]. Only one of these isomers can be isolated from the direct reaction of PPh3 with [Mo(CO)6]. This reaction requires a long reaction time and high temperatures but yields the more thermodynamically stable geometrical isomer. So in order to isolate the isomer B, an alternative synthetic route was employed. A precursor in the form of [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] was used to yield isomer B, since PPh3 is now able to readily substitute piperidine. This method relies on the nature of the ligands. Piperidine is a weak field ligand, and so forms a relatively weak dative bond with the molybdenum ion. However, PPh3 is a strong field ligand and so binds strongly with the central metal ion. This means PPh3 easily displaces the piperidine ligands to give rise to the isomer B form of the complex [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2]. The first part of the reaction involved the preparation of the intermediate [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] which is a yellow solid which is in agreement with literature. The complex was formed in good yield at 83%. The infrared spectrum of [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] shows four peaks corresponding to C=O vibrations at 2011.73, 1877.24, 1756.58 and 1706.11 cm-1 (lit). This suggests the isomer of the complex formed is the cis geometrical isomer. This can be explained by employing a group theory technique, which uses an unshifted C=O bonds procedure, as illustrated in figure. E C2 ÃÆ'(xz) ÃÆ'(yz) à â€Å"CO 4 0 2 2 Cis-[Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] has C2V symmetry and the irreducible representation of unshifted bonds is deduced to be 2A1 + B1 + B2. Since all of these operations are IR active, four peaks are expected in the carbonyl region of the spectrum. In the IR spectrum there is also a peak at 3250.88 which corresponds to an N-H bond. This is indicative of unreacted piperidine. The presence of residual piperidine did not negatively affect the experiment to any significant extent. The synthesis of [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] (isomer A) yielded a pale yellow solid as reported by. The complex produced a 44% yield which affected the proceedings of the reaction as enough product was not formed. This meant the subsequent reaction had to be scaled down. The IR spectrum of [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] (isomer A) displayed four peaks in the carbonyl region at 2011.26, 1876.74, 1756.04 and 1706.81 cm-1 which were similar to those reported in the literature. The compound was also determined to have C2V symmetry which would therefore be expected to give rise to 4 peaks in the spectrum. Therefore isomer A is cis-[Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2]. As a result, it can be deduced that isomer B of [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] is the trans geometrical isomer. The trans isomer has a D4h point group and so is expected to produce a single peak in the IR spectrum. As predicted, the spectrum of isomer B has a peak in the carbonyl region at only 1873.38 cm-1. The trans-[Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] isomer was a brown solid and produced at a reasonable yield of 65%. The trans isomeric form of [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] is the thermodynamically more stable form of the two isomers. The trans isomer required more vigorous reaction condition such as the solvent heated to 110 à ¢Ã‚  °C and a longer reaction time as opposed to the milder conditions used for the formation of the cis isomer. The trans isomer places the two bulky PPh3 ligands as far as possible from one another, at 180 à ¢Ã‚  ° apart, which gives the complex the lowest possible energy. Cis-[Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] is the kinetic product of the reaction since it forms at a faster rate. This is because the activation energy barrier is much smaller, as reflected by the mild conditions imposed (40 à ¢Ã‚  °C toluene, 15 minute reflux). Conclusion The synthesis of all three complexes was successful. A good yield was obtained for the formation of [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] at 83%. However, isomer A of [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] was produced at a relatively low yield of 44%, in comparison to 65% produced for isomer B. The low yield of isomer A affected the proceedings of the subsequent steps of the reaction, and so required a scaling down of reagents used from this point onwards. The infrared spectrum of [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] produced four C=O stretching bands at 2011.73, 1877.24, 1756.58 and 1706.11 cm-1; which matched those reported in literature. This suggested that the complex had a cis geometry and therefore the point group of the complex is C2V. For isomer A of [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2], the point group was also inferred to be C2V. using the method of unshifted C=O bonds, it was determined that four peaks are expected in the spectrum corresponding to C=O vibrations. The infrared spectrum obtained did indeed have four bands at 2011.26, 1876.74, 1756.04 and 1706.81 cm-1. This shows good correlation with the predictions from group theory. For isomer B of [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2], the spectrum displayed a single peak at 1873.38 cm-1 which corresponds to C=O. The geometry of the complex is therefore confirmed to be trans, and the point group deduced to be D4h for the complex. The colours of the complexes showed good agreement with that reported in literature. The intermediate complex [Mo(CO)4(piperidine)2] was yellow in colour. The cis isomer of [Mo(CO)4(PPh3)2] was pale yellow, whilst the trans isomer was brown. To summarize the products were produced in reasonable yield, and the IR spectra along with group theory allowed the distinction of the isomeric forms of the complexes. Questions A complex ion is formed when a d-block transition metal ion forms a coordinate bond by accepting a pair of electrons from a ligand. A ligand is an ion or molecule that surrounds the metal ion and is able to donate a pair of electrons to it. This means the ligand is a Lewis base, whilst the central metal ion functions as a Lewis acid. There are two types of bonding between a d-block transition metal and a ligand, namely ÃÆ'-bonding and À-bonding. ÃÆ'-bonding is present in all interactions between a metal and ligand because the lone pair of the ligand lies on the internuclear axis. However, some ligands are able to participate in À-bonding interactions. A ligand is said to be a À-donor ligand if the interaction involves donation of electron density from a filled orbital towards an empty metal orbital. It is also possible for a ligand to be a À-acceptor ligand. In this case, electron density is donated from a filled orbital on the metal to an empty orbital on the ligand. The bonding between a d-block transition metal and specific ligands is discussed below: C≠¡O Carbon monoxide is a strong field ligand with its position high in the spectrochemical series, which means that it gives rise to low spin complexes, due to the fact that it has a large value of ÃŽâ€oct. There are two components that describe the metal carbonyl bonding. ÃÆ'-bonding – when a lone pair of electrons from C≠¡O is donated to an empty d-orbital on the metal, this is known as ÃÆ'-bonding. À-acceptor ligand – when electrons from the filled metal d-orbital are donated to an empty À* acceptor orbital on CO, this is known as À-back donation. CO is both a ÃÆ'-donor and À-acceptor ligand. Since these components complement one another, this results in synergic bonding. In other words, the greater the ÃÆ'-donation the greater the À-back donation. However the extent of backbonding does depend on the oxidation state of the metal and the electronic properties of the other ligands present. Structurally, as a result of synergic reinforcing components, the metal carbonyl bond strength is increased, but this means the C≠¡O is weakened, relative to free C≠¡O gas. This is due to an increase in the electron density of the antibonding À* orbital. PPh3 Triphenylphosphine has a lone pair of electrons on P that it is able to donate to the transition metal centre, and so acts as a ÃÆ'-donor ligand as illustrated in figure†¦. The phosphine has a vacant orbital, so in theory it can also act as a À-acceptor ligand. However, the 3d orbitals that are vacant on phosphorus may be of too high energy for À-backdonation to occur. Instead the ÃÆ'* orbital contributes as the main acceptor component. The ability of a phosphine ligand to act as an acceptor is controlled by the identity of the R substituent. Since in PPh3, the substituent is phenyl which is not a very electron-withdrawing group, the À acceptor properties are weak. This is because the phenyl rings are not electron-withdrawing enough to lower the energy of the 3d orbitals on phosphorus. However, if the R substituent was replaced by an electron-withdrawing group, the À acceptor properties of the phosphine group would be greater. To summarise, PPh3 is a good donor but a poor acceptor. Piperidine The molecular formula of piperidine is C5H10NH and the structural formula is displayed in figure†¦. Piperidine can act as a ligand because the nitrogen atom has a lone pair of electrons. However unlike CO and PPh3 it is classed as an intermediate field ligand. Piperidine is able to donate its lone pair of electrons on nitrogen to the transition metal centre, and so is said to act as a ÃÆ'-donor. However since the nitrogen atom only has one lone pair of electrons, it is unable to participate in À-backdonation. [Mo(CO)4L2] where L exists as piperidine or PPh3 may exist as two different geometrical isomers: cis or trans. By considering only the C≠¡O bond of the compound in the infrared spectrum and by exploitation of group theory, the molecular arrangement of the compounds prepared could be determined. Cis For cis-[Mo(CO)4L2] the point group was identified to be C2V (since it has a C2 axis, ÃÆ'(xz) and ÃÆ'(yz) components). In the case of cis-[Mo(CO)4L2] the character table for C2V is CHARACTER TABLE C2V here Since only the C≠¡O bonds are being considered, the reducible representation of the number of unshifted C≠¡O bonds under each operation of the point group is detailed in table†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. E C2 ÃÆ'(xz) ÃÆ'(yz) à â€Å"CO 4 0 2 2 The reduction formula provides a means of converting a reducible representation into a sum of irreducible representations Where ai= number of times an IRREP contributes to the reducible representation; h= total number of symmetry operations, nR= number of operations in a class; Ç(R) = character in reducible representation; ÇIR= character in IRREP Therefore when the formula is applied to each line of the character table we get: So overall à â€Å"CO = 2A1+B1+B2 The complex was then described in terms of vibrational modes, à â€Å"CO E C2 ÃÆ'(xz) ÃÆ'(yz) à â€Å"CO 2 0 1 1 Using table (C2v character table) it can be seen that A1, B1 and B2 are all infrared active. Therefore cis-[Mo(CO)4L2] would be expected to give rise to four peaks in the vibrational spectrum. The same process was carried out for the trans isomer in order to determine the number of IR active bands in the vibrational spectrum. Trans For trans-[Mo(CO)4L2] the point group was identified to be D4h In the case of trans-[Mo(CO)4L2] the character table for D4h is CHARACTER TABLE D4h here Since only the C≠¡O bonds are being considered, the reducible representation of the number of unshifted C≠¡O bonds under each operation of the point group is detailed in table†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. E 2C4 C2 2C2’ 2C2†i 2S4 ÃÆ'h 2ÃÆ'i 2ÃÆ'd à â€Å"3N 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 2 0 As before the reduction formula was used to convert the reducible representation into a sum of irreducible representations Therefore when the formula is applied to each line of the character table we get: E 2C4 C2 2C2’ 2C2†i 2S4 ÃÆ'h 2ÃÆ'i 2ÃÆ'd ai A1g 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 4 0 1 A2g 4 0 0 -4 0 0 0 -4
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